While we offer high quality child care and believe our children are unique individuals. We help with developing lifelong lessons by helping them with language and communication skills. Socialization is what we believe each child will need to become successful. The uniqueness of each child will foster imagination and curiosity naturally.
Mission - It is our mission to provide high-quality, developmentally appropriate child care for preschool children, with a particular emphasis on the age and ability of each individual child to encourage social, cognitive, physical, and emotional development. The purpose of this program is to create a secure, caring, and fun environment for the children.
Vision - When the activities for each day are planned, the specific needs and skills of each child are taken into consideration. Our vision is to provide a secure and enjoyable atmosphere for learning, as well as a home away from home for our students. Each child is intellectually nurtured and developed to reach his or her full best potential.
Goals - To create a developmentally successful program that both children and families can grow from.